July 8, 2024

SVZ secures grant from innocent drinks’ Farmer Innovation Fund 2024

https://www.svz.com/news-and-blog/svz-secures-grant-from-innocent-drinks-farmer-innovation-fund-2024/ thumbnail image

We are delighted to be one of the grant recipients of innocent drinks’ Farmer Innovation Fund for 2024. In partnership with Optiriego Consulting and Cuna de Platero, we will focus on implementing HIDRIX – an on-demand irrigation technology – in our strawberry farms, supporting farmers to optimise water consumption and reduce carbon emissions in our supply chain.

Safeguarding the future of fruit and vegetables

Established in 2021, innocent drinks’ Farmer Innovation Fund aims to support suppliers in their transition to regenerative farming practices. With over half of innocent’s carbon footprint coming from its ingredients, regenerative agriculture investments are critical to reducing its scope 3 emissions by 50% by 2030. Eleven suppliers from across the globe have received financial backing from £20,000 to £500,000 to support projects that safeguard the future of fruit and vegetables. Grant winners demonstrated that their project addressed key agricultural challenges such as soil health, biodiversity, climate change and water use.

This initiative is fully in line with SVZ’s approach to regenerative farming, which goes beyond planting trees or ticking boxes; it’s about minimizing our Scope 3 impact in our supply chain and developing strategies to decrease emissions and increase water efficiency. True transformation requires a long-term perspective and a willingness to invest in the future. That’s why we offer support to our partner growers, encouraging them to embrace regenerative practices that yield both environmental and economic benefits.

HIDRIX: Cutting-edge irrigation for optimal growth, water saving, emission reduction and increased yield

So, what exactly is HIDRIX? It’s more than a water-saving tool – this ‘autopilot for irrigation’ is a smart-system that addresses water scarcity and carbon emissions by leveraging a network of in-field sensors and predictive models to deliver precisely what strawberry plants need. Its innovative strength lies in the real-time analysis of agroclimatic data, enabling HIDRIX to make split-second irrigation decisions. This ensures optimal growing conditions while allowing for a more efficient use of water resources.

Initial trials in Doñana, Spain showed impressive results. Farms using HIDRIX saw a 15.1% reduction in water consumption – a significant achievement in a region grappling with increasing water scarcity – while recording a 0.7% increase in average production, defying the conventional wisdom that water savings come at the cost of yield. For every cubic metre of water used, HIDRIX-equipped farms produced 21.2% more strawberries, dramatically improving resource efficiency to benefit the environment and boost farmers’ bottom lines.

The implications extend beyond just water savings. By optimising irrigation and reducing energy use for water pumping, HIDRIX is expected to play a crucial role in lowering the carbon footprint of strawberry production. This aligns perfectly with SVZ’s commitment to 100% sustainable core ingredients by 2030.

As climate change continues to pose challenges for agriculture, innovations like HIDRIX offer a glimpse of a more sustainable future. With the support of the Farmer Innovation Fund, SVZ is pioneering solutions that could reshape the industry, working closely with front-runner farmers in the area who are eager to test these innovations. As we move forward with this project, we’re cultivating a more sustainable, efficient, and resilient approach to farming that places growers at the forefront.

SVZ and innocent drinks: A fruitful partnership

For over five years, SVZ and innocent have been working together closely on sustainability initiatives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, we launched our ‘SVZ cares’ initiative, distributing high-quality surplus zucchini to food banks, public kitchens and less affluent neighbourhoods in Almonte, Spain. We also collaborated on the Doñana project, training fruit growers on efficient water use in strawberry farming. These examples demonstrate our shared commitment to preserving human and planetary health with responsible business practices.

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