November 26, 2019


The next nutrient-rich superfruit, this tasty, tart berry is seeing new interest across the food and beverage market.

Also called ‘haskap’, or ‘fly honeysuckle’, the honeyberry is a 2cm long, oblong berry that is like the blueberry in both tastes and looks – but with a lot more health benefits! With a remarkable tolerance to cold weather – it can survive at temperatures of -48°C – honeyberries are early season producers and are often the first fruits harvested in spring.

But why is this fruit becoming so popular? A big reason is its health benefits: not only is it full of antioxidants, but it has twice the vitamin A and four times the vitamin C as blueberries. Honeyberries also have the highest content of phenolic acids and anthocyanin of the berries we grow, and contain significant sources of potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and iron.

Its sour-sweet, delicious taste means that the honeyberry is often eaten fresh or in desserts, ice cream and preserves, and its rich tartness – with a taste that has been described as a cross between a blueberry, blackberry and raspberry – has the potential to be used as a filling for baked goods, or in premium beverage and dairy applications.

Want to discover more about how this mouthwatering berry could enhance your products? Our new honeyberry puree is one of our most recent, yet popular, products, and we’ll be demonstrating its versatility and delicious taste at FiE 2019.

Book a meeting at either event, or speak to a member of the SVZ team, to find out more.

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