February 14, 2017

NEWS: SVZ backs Ferdoñana berry farmers water efficiency training

https://www.svz.com/news-and-blog/svz-backs-ferdonana-berry-farmers-water-efficiency-training/ thumbnail image

SAI Platform launched the Ferdoñana, a multi-stakeholder, farmer oriented, water efficiency project in berry agriculture in the Doñana region. The project’s scope is to help farmers optimise water use, which will contribute to economic benefits and reduce the risk of aquifer decline as well as water contamination.

100 farmers will be trained in the first year, covering about 2000 ha. The objective is to cover up to 7000 ha over the next 3 years. The training includes: in-room good practice modules, individual assessment, show-case and field visits. An online knowledge sharing platform will be also accessible on smart-phone to facilitate the overall project.

Jobien Laurijssen, Sustainability Manager at SVZ, highlights the importance of the Doñana project: “It is our common obligation to protect the wonderful and iconic natural park of Doñana, while securing the supply of strawberries and thereby also the safeguarding the future incomes of many people that are dependent on this industry”.

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